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CTCMath Family Membership: A Detailed Review

We are so excited to be able to use Family Membership for 12 months from CTCMath. We have used CTCMath in the past, and now it is even better since it has many new features!

Quick Overview:

CTCMath is a complete math curriculum and in the Family Membership, all of my children have access to all grades.
What’s great about having access to all grades versus your child’s current grades is that you can have them take an initial diagnostic test.

The diagnostic test allows you to see where your child needs additional assistance, so they can either review the previous lesson, or go back to the previous grade if they more help.

Also if your child is advanced they can skip and complete whatever grade level they are currently working on.

We have used CTCMath before, but there are brand new features in the program that make it even better.

Question Bank:

The question bank wizard is new to CTCMath and is super cool. Allows you to create custom worksheets where you can easily control and adjust the duration and difficulty of the question set.

Individual Results:

In each lesson, parents are able to view exactly how your child did on a particular topic. Also, when you click on “view report”, the actual quiz questions, and your child’s responses.

The Individual Results tab makes re-teaching or reviewing a particular skill easy, since you can see exactly where your child needs help.

My Favorite Features:

Easy Access to Results:

As soon as you log into the parent account, you are able to see what your child has done. I like that I can see the time they logged in, what lesson was viewed, and their score.

This is an easy way to monitor your child’s progress and time spent on the computer.

Detailed Report

This report can be emailed to you and shows exactly how your child did on each subject. I like this as an overview of how they are doing, and it makes keeping transcripts of your child’s work easy.

Full Parental Control:

Parents are able to set pass marks (ours is at 80%), assign tasks, and clear grades. It also gives you solutions to the problems which comes in help!

More than Common Core:

As a credentialed public school teacher, I know that CTCMath provides more than just what Common Core standards dictate for students.
The membership includes subjects such as place value on an abacus, heavy and light, measurement and more than what is seen in a traditional school.

My Children’s Favorite Features:

  • Speed Skills

The Speed Skill are games to help practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division fluency.

  • Short Lessons:

The lessons are short and to the point. The videos are easy to watch and even keep my 6-year olds’ attention. My children like having a video lesson that they can personally control and watch as much as they want until they understand.

  • Awards

I try to motivate my children since sometimes they don’t want to do their work, but the membership has awards built in! My children love to try to get an award.



Since CTCMath is made in a different country, some of the spelling may throw your child off. For example, the metre instead of meter.

I don’t mind since I like that my child is exposed to measurement that most of the world utilizes.


Overall, I love using this membership! It has made teaching math to 4 children at 3 different levels actually doable! My children’s math skills have increased and continues to improve as we use the program. I highly recommend it as a math curriculum for homeschoolers, or even people whose children attend traditional school and need extra support.

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