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The Best Letter P Worksheets and Printables

The Best Letter P Worksheets

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Next up in our alphabet series is the letter p.

Young readers may confuse the letter p with the letter b or d, so it is important to teach these letters at different times.

The letter p is actually an easy letter to learn since many children can easily make the sound.

Before using a letter p worksheet, I recommend pointing out the letter p in environmental print.

What is environmental print?

Environmental print is just words that are printed in the environment.

Think food box labels, street signs, package labels, etc.

Ask your child to find the letter or play I Spy and look for the letter.

After your child has some practice recognizing the letter p, then you can begin to use the printable letter p worksheets.

Here are a few free letter p worksheets:

Lowercase p

Color the lowercase p. Children should recognize the small letter and the big letter and know how they are different.

It is a good idea to use writing paper to show that the uppercase letter is tall and touches the top line, while the lowercase letter is small and only touches the middle line.

Letter p

This printable worksheet has children color objects that begin with letter p.

As your child is coloring, say the letter p words.

Letter P Tracing Worksheets

Use this to improve fine motor skills by tracing the lower case p.

Other ways to teach the letter p:

Point out the letter p in books while reading.

Play with toys that begin with the letter p, I like this toy bucket that has objects for each letter of the alphabet.

Use stamps to make the uppercase and lowercase letter p.

More letter p fun:

Use the blank letter p worksheet to make fun letter p crafts.

A great way to teach the letters of the alphabet is through letter of the week.

My Letter of the Week Curriculum includes over 100 pages of printable worksheets for each letter.

Tips to teach the letter p:

Younger children may confuse the letter p and letter q.

This is why it is important to teach one letter at a time.

Have your child use playdoh or yarn to make an uppercase p.

Point out the difference between the capital letter p and the lowercase letter p.

When teaching children how to write, it is a good idea to use paper with dotted lines, so that way they can see the difference between the letters.

Teach letter recognition daily by pointing out the letters your child knows.

Once your child gets a bit older, you can also practice letter sounds.

There are many songs and videos online to practice letter recognition and letter soudns.

If you are looking for a preschool homeschool curriculum, my preschool homeschool curriculum includes alphabet worksheets, number worksheets, sight words, and more.

In Preschool Star, there are 20 fun theme units that young children will love to learn about.

Introduce learning in a fun way, with done for you lesson plans, worksheets, vocabulary cards, and hands-on activities.

Learn more about Preschool Star here.