10 Must Try Ways to Use Emu Oil

Have you heard of the new skincare trend that’s been going around? Emu oil is oil derived from the actual emu bird and is useful and beneficial for humans. Emu oil has been used for thousands of years by natives in Australia. Unlike some other herbal remedies, Emu oil has been studied for its uses and benefits. Some doctors have even started to recommend emu oil due to its extensive benefits.



Here are 10 uses of Emu Oil (and the benefits):

1.     Hair Growth

Postpartum shedding is real! I don’t know why shedding is a part of postpartum, but it is one of the effects that I wish I could avoid. I use Emu Oil to help grow my hair

Emu Oil contains Vitamin E which not only helps with hair growth, but also with nails.

2.     Skincare

Do you have problems with exceza, psoriaris, or acne spots? Because emu oil has similar fat lipids that is found in our skin, emu oil it absorbs into the skin easily. Use emu oil by smoothing it into the skin to improve your skin. Since emu oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to reduce swelling. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, burns, and wrinkles.

3.     Relief from Aches and Pains

Emu Oil is also good for relief from aches and pains. Many people have noticed benefits of using emu oil for pain.

4.     Makeup Remover

Emu Oil is a natural way to remove makeup and improve your skin’s appearance.

5.     Acne Treatment

Do you struggle with acne or have acne scars? Emu oil can be used to help reduce the appearance of acne scars and minimize acne.

6.   Breastfeeding Pain Relief

If you have twins like I did, or one super hungry child, you know how painful breastfeeding can be sometimes. Emu oil can be applied to relieve painful, dry, and cracked nipples from breastfeeding.

7.     Dry Skin

Emu oil naturally contains vitamin E which can help to soften hands, smooth rough elbows, knees and heels. Emu oil can also be used to improve dry skin by reducing the itching and flakiness.

8.     Muscle Cramp Relief

Emu oil can be used to relieve muscle cramps as well.

9.  Chapped Lips

Use a small amount of emu oil to relieve dry and chapped lips.

10.  Dandruff

If you have trouble with dandruff, emu oil has been known to clear up dandruff.

These are just some of the most popular uses for emu oil. There are so many more benefits of using Emu Oil.

When buying emu oil, make sure it is 100% emu oil and certified. Also look for Emu Oil that is certified. I use Iaso Oil, which is 100% AAE Certified Emu Oil.

How to Use:

Emu oil can be used topically as needed. Although emu oil is hypoallergenic, and is good for sensitive skin since it is biologically similar to human skin; you can always try a small amount to make sure it is compatible with your skin type.

Where to Buy:

Iaso Oil is 100% Emu Oil. You can buy it HERE.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice. This website makes no medical claims.

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